
On this page we want to emphasize a few points that may interest you

We are a special search engine

Since we are a search engine, we DON'T store or copy any external description or review in our servers, we collect only the necessary informations, to give you the best results possible. For the full descriptions, we use to link the original website, where the description is stored!

We try to be accurate, but we can make some mistakes

We work to offer the best service, but the datas we use are taken by external sources. We work to check the accuracy but we can't promise you that they are always correct. For this reason we give you a specific page for reporting us any problem.

Same idea for the weather forecast

Like the crag search, we use an external service also for the weather forecast (darksky.net). The purpose is to give you the weather of the closest city. We try to reduce the approximation as much as we can. Sometimes it's possible to have a lack of accuracy. As usual, your help is appreciated.

To contact us for informations about the service

you can use our contact form!

For our logo, we would like to say thank you to Madebyoliver, Vectors Market e Freepik from www.flaticon.com.

The background image for the homepage is taken by Alpinism woman design | Image by VectorOpenStock.com.